Monday, January 11, 2010

...grows the beard.

Welcome to 20-Sided Tardis, where our opinions are bigger on the Inside. Dr. Cid here, and I have to announce that we're making some changes here in the blog. First off, new logo. Now we look all swanky. Next, the subjects are going away from the "...does the thing" format and to something that'll make it easier to find an old post later. Also, I'm going to adopt an update schedule. I,personally will be updating every Monday. I dunno when my fellow bloggers here are going to be updating,but Mondays are mine! So, hang on tight, dear companions, its time once again for Game Thesis!

Last time, I went into my own personal history, as well as the primary goal of these segments. We’re gonna convert my still-in-development CCG into an Adventure Board Game. Now, I suppose that we need to start at the very beginning of it all, the characters that the Players will be playing as.

In the CCG, there were 8 Playable Main Characters, 4 Heroic and 4 Villainous. As a board game, I prefer the more co-operative antics of Arkham Horror over the dicking each other over-ness of the Order of the Stick Adventure Game. So, first thing we need to do is remove the Villains for now.(Don’t worry, we’ll come back to them in a later entry.)

So, that leaves Max Taylor (our eponymous Hero), Kate McCoy (His Best Friend/Love Interest), Shifter Kinkaid (His Rival for Kate’s affections, and another Major Hero in Castlefalls), and Natalie Hart (a 3rd Generation Super-Hero/High School Queen Bee).

Now, since the last iteration of the CCG, the characters of Max and Kate got replaced by Courtney Taylor, who takes over Main Character status of the book. So, we’re down to 3 Heroes. This isn’t looking to be as easy as I thought.

Luckily enough, a couple of buddies of mine were also writing comics that take place in this same universe. A couple of quick text messages later, and I can bump up the character count to 8 Heroes. Badass.

So, our cast now looks like:

Courtney Taylor/Tiger Knight
Shifter Kinkaid/Justice
Natalie Hart/Saffire
Tom Turner/Claymore
Gwen McDermont/Firefly
Chloe Franklin/Ultra Girl
Jordan Jones/Knock
Matthew Cole/Photon

Okay, so that’s the cast. A bunch of meaning less names at the moment. I would give you context, but the names aren’t really important at the moment (and we’ll get into each of them at a later point anyway).

Originally in the card game, your Main Character was identified by a Persona card, and Dual-Sided Character cards leveled 1-3. The Persona card represented the core of the character and it’s game text was active on all versions of that character in addition to whatever game text was on the character cards.

The dual sided character cards had the Hero Identity on One Side and the Civilian on the other, and at the start of the turn, you chose what identity was active (there were cards to allow you to switch your decision mid-turn).

So, far, I don’t see a reason to change these mechanics. Make the Persona card bigger (like those Over-sized Hero Cards that WoW TCG gives out), and add a Health tracker to it.

Health in the CCG was done with damage counters on each card, and I was never a big fan of it. It got cumbersome, especially if you had any additional counters. So, health tracker on your Persona card.

Now, the characters were Level 1-3, so that they could grow and change over the course of the game, developing new powers and whatnot. I’d like to keep this, but that’ll be determined on if I have an experience generating mechanic I like.

Okay, so we have our core characters, we know that they’ve got a Persona card that has game text on it, and a character card that is dual sided. Next time, dear companions, we’ll start working on the villains.

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